Thursday, January 13, 2011

Quaid Shaheed Allama Arif Hussaini Al-Hussaini

Quaid Shaheed Allama Arif Hussaini Al-Hussaini

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini Family Background:

Twenty kilometers from the capital of the Province of the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), the headquarters of the North Western Kurrum Agency, Para Chinar is located. It is a well-known place because of its boundaries with Afghanistan and the Shi'a population.

Around Para Chinar there are dozens of tombs of Syeds. There are two religious schools in Para Chinar -- “Madressah e Jafarria" and “Madressah e Ayatollah Khamenei" Beside that there is one separate religious school for women named “Madressah e Zehra AS.

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini belonged to the Doerazai Tribe. Since his family descent goes back to the son of our 4th Imam (AS) Syed Hussain al Asghar Ibne Imam Zain ul Abedeen, thus Al Hussaini is the name of this illustrious clan. The renowned Sufi, Syed Mir Aaqil Shah, a true descendent of our 4th Imam, came to this area in the early seventeenth century, and began the spread of Islam in the region. After his death his son Syed Miadad ShahSaheb took his father's place and continued to spread Islam, as did members of this family one-generation after another. These accomplishments were not without immense opposition, as the majority from the family was martyred. Syed Mir Anwer was one remarkable person of this family. He brought thousands of converts to Islam in the region. He started Aza Dari-e-Imam Hussain (AS) in the Para Chinar.

History recorded bloody battles between them and their enemies. In 1927 in another such attack Syed Miadad Hussain, the great grandfather of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini was martyred. But the mission continued and the Grand father of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini took the lead in the quest to spread the true knowledge of Islam. He was also martyred in 1962.

Then Fazal Hussain shah (Father of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini) then came forward. His wife was his uncle's daughter, and Allah blessed them with two sons and two daughters. Syed Arif Hussain was his older son and the younger son was named Syed Aaqil Hussain. Syed Fazal Hussain Shah died on 13th Nov 1983, and the Standard Bearer to carry on the family tradition of serving Islam, thus becomes our great Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini.

Early Age to Schooling:

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini opened his eyes on 25th November 1946 at the time of Adhaan-e-Fajr. His pious mother brought him up until at the age of five he was sent to a government primary school in Pewaar. At the same time arrangements had been made for him to study the Holy Qur'an at home.

He remained at the Pewaar Government Primary School until the fourth grade, then he took admission at the Government High School of Para Chinar and completed his matric examinations (10th Grade) from there. While in Para Chinar, he stayed at his elder sister home.

Early on Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini was fond of sitting with elders and listening to them with intense interest and respect. He was also strictly punctual in saying his prayers. He used to sleep with his uncle and insisted on hearing stories of his forefathers. He shunned all the customary cultural practices in marriage traditions such as singing and dancing even as a young child.

After coming home from the school he herded flocks of goats, and while the goats grazed in the near-by hills, he used that time to do his homework and study, thus always using his time productively.

As serious as he was about the important things in life, he also possessed a sense of humor and his jokes were enjoyed by his family.

One very interesting story of his childhood was that he was very fond of eating a type of fruit called “Amlog" and used to climb on that tree. One day he fell down from that tree breaking his arm. As soon as his arm healed up he again climbed that tree. His cousin exclaimed, "You again climbed the tree where you recently fell from!" Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini replied, "Today I climbed not for the fruit, but so that this tree might not think I am afraid of it."

In 1962 after completing his matriculation examinations, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini took admission in the newly established Madressah e Jaffaria administered by Haji Ghulam Jaffer. This is the beginning of the unending quest for knowledge and faith by a servant of Allah!

Najaf Period:

Staying for a while in Para Chinar Madressah, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini decided to further his religious studies and with his teacher Maulana Ghulam Hussain. He departed for Najaf, Iraq in 1967.

“Madressah Abdul Aziz Baghdadi" was where he began his early Islamic education. Then Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini was admitted in “Madressah e Shabbiriah".

He was a very hard working, intelligent and serious student. He regularly attended all lectures, and kept extensive detailed notes in his journal and was an active participant in the debates between students that took place dealing with the subjects of the lectures. Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini teachers include Shaheed e Mehrab Ayatolah Madni, Sheikh Ashraf Asphahani, Aqai Lashkarani and Ayatollah Murtazavi.

During his stay in Najaf he gave utmost importance to Bandana. Every friday night he read Dua e Kumail and Ziarate Warsa. More than 20 times during his six and a half year stay in Najaf, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini went to Karbala on foot. Whenever Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini left for Karbala with any caravan, he always took the luggage of elderly and sick Zaireen on his shoulders in the same way of the Imams (AS). Thus he tried to model his life from the examples of Ahlul-bayt.

Attachment with Imam Khomeni in Najaf:

While Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini was studying in Najaf, Imam Khomeni (RA) was also living in Najaf in exile. Imam Khomeni (RA) then leads maghribain prayers at the Madersaah e Ayatollah Broujardi. Very few Muslims prayed behind Imam Khomeni due to strict vigilance on him. But the only Pakistani who, without fear, comes every maghrib to pray behind Imam Khomeni (RA) was Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini. After salat ul maghrabain Imam Khomeni (RA) would deliver a lecture. Shaheed Quaid listened to every lecture with complete concentration and after coming back from the lecture repeats what he learned to his fellow students in hostel where he lives with other students. He also encourages them to attend the lectures by Imam Khomeni (RA).

Those were the days when Imam Khomeni (RA) came under more and more vigilance. His every move was monitored and whoever tried to come close to him came under heavy harassment and vigilance. As a result of this harassment, most of the students avoided sitting in at the gatherings of Imam Khomeni (RA), but not Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini. His love for the message and personality of Imam Khomeni (RA) was so much that he always sat in the front row in the prayers behind Imam Khomeni (RA).

One day a friend of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini tried to persuade him that it would better for him to stay away from Imam Khomeni (RA). Shaheed Quaid replied with complete calmness:

“My friend your Shi'a religion was not created in Pakistan. It pours out from Arabian land and Aba Abdillah (AS) was also not Pakistani. We are amongst those who say “Labaik" to the call of “Hul Min Nasirun Yansuruna" by our Imam (AS). We are in search of truth and we support every movement for truth and justice wherever it is in the world. This is our duty. Pray that this son of Zehra (SA) remains safe from the enemies while trying to spread his message. Remember that if anything happens to this leader, God forbid, then for many, many years no Aalim e Deen can stand up to speak against the tyranny. If he succeeds in his endeavor, insha'allah, then it will be the victory of Islam, and once again Aalim e Deen’s stature will greatly improve. So repent to Allah and throw such cowardly and evil thoughts from your heart.

Shaheed Quaid thoughts inspired many fellow students, and they also started to sit in the lectures of Imam Khomeni (RA).

On the eve of the 2500th year of extravagant ceremonies organized by Raza Shah Pehalvi in Iran, Imam Khomeni (RA) strongly voiced against the wastage of people’s money. Imam Khomeni (RA) followers sent letters of condemnation to Iranian Government and it was only Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini from Pakistan who sent a letter of condemnation from the students of Pakistani origin in Najaf.

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini understood the message of Imam Khomeni (RA) whole-heartedly and Imam Khomeni (RA) also sensed mujahid’s heart inside Shaheed Quaid. Because of this, Imam Khomeni gave his Wikalat Nama (Wikalat Nama is a letter issued by a Marja to his students to issue fatwas and collect Khums on his name) to him. Unfortunately, the Wikalat Nama was snatched during checking on the Iranian border when Shaheed Quaid decided to return to his home in 1973.

Qom Period:

In 1973, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini decided to return home after six and half years in Najaf. In this period at home, he married the daughter of his uncle Syed Yunus Jaan Khateeb Aalim Sher. Allah (swt) blessed them with 5 sons and 2 daughters whose names are Syed Muhammed, Syed Ali, Syed Hasan, Syed Hussain, Syed Sajjad, Syeda Fatima and Syeda Zainab.

After marriage in 1974, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini again tried to go to Najaf but was not allowed to enter in Iraq due to his involvement with Imam Khomeni (RA). Thus, Shaheed Quaid decided to go to Qom where he took lectures from Ayatollah Shaheed Murtadha Muteheri, Ayatollah Nasir Makarem Sheerazi, Ayatollah Waheed Khurasani, Ayatollah Tabrezi and Ayatollah Harampanahi on the subjects of history, Usool, philosophy, fiqh and Ilme Kalam.

Iran was gripped in political turmoil in those days. Imam Khomeni (RA) movement was spreading and oppression increased day by day. “SavakEkept extra vigilance on every movement of revolutionists especially foreign students who supported the movement. Since Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini was the active participant in every move for revolution, he was arrested. He was kept into detention for some days, was given threats of severe torture and sending out of Iran but the determined Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini never bowed down.

In 1975 and 1977, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini went to Hajj from Qom.

During his stay in Qom Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini tried to remain in touch with current affairs of Pakistan. Incidents in which Shias were targeted made Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini grieve for many days. He also remained very much concerned about Kurrum Agency situation and asked in letters to his friends in Para Chinar to write in detail about the situation in the area.

Returning back home:

Due to the pathetic situation in Kurrum Agency and also for “Madressah e JaffariaEin Para Chinar, Allama Abid Hussain al Hussaini called Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini for help. In respect for his teacher’s orders and with the aim of improving situation in Para Chinar, Shaheed Quaid returned to Pakistan. Here, he immediately joined Madressah e Jaffaria and also started to take steps towards betterment of Kurrum Agency in general and Para Chinar in particular.

As a teacher, he tried to improve the syllabi of the Madressah while also encouraging students to adopt modern techniques to understand Islam with the strict following of Taqwa e Ilahee. Due to his efforts, not only did the atmosphere of Madressah improve but also the number of students increaseed in the madressah. Later, this Madressah become Pakistan’s best madressah with respect to educational standards.

Shaheed Quaid always remained in friendly relations with his students. He used to say that the best teacher is one who is the best friend of his student. He delivered lectures sitting on the floor with his students. He even used to visit his students at night in their rooms. One night during his routine visits, he found one student with a fever lying alone in his bed. He sat with the student so that the student would feel better.

Shaheed Quaid always advised his students to read Namaz e Shab, telling them, as this is the only way to get nearness to Allah. He loved his students so much that he distributed half of his Rs 1200/- salary between the top and needy students.

Due to Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini's pious character and knowledge, people of Peshawar started to call him for reading Majalis there. From 1977 he started delivering lectures in Imam Bargha Akhund Abad, Peshawar. He proved his character and knowledge there. Not only did he revolutionize the lives of shias there, but he also inclined thousands of sunnis towards shi'ism through his speeches.

Whenever Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini visited Peshawar, he never stayed at host’s house; rather he always stayed at his cousin’s small quarters in a railway station. He used bus or rickshaw to come to Imam Bargha and paid the fare from his pocket.

He was very strict for ladies separation and hijab in Majalis. When hosts didn’t heed to his requests of arranging proper separation for women Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini stopped delivering lectures, which embarrassed hosts heavily, and they quickly arranged complete separation for ladies. After confirmation and satisfaction of the arrangements, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini continued the delivery of the Majalis.

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini took a keen interest in the affairs of youth. He organized different programs for their spiritual training. He, himself used to come every Friday night to Peshawar by bus and this continued for a long time, thus converting thousands of youths towards Imam Khomeni’s (RA) movement of freedom with imperialism.

Leading from the front in Kurrum Agency:
After the Islamic revolution, imperialists got scared with its spread to all over the world specially its neighboring areas and hesitantly marked areas where it could reach and influence easily. Kurrum Agency was also marked due to its all-shia population and nearness to Iran. They used Afghan refugees to suppress the Kurrum Agency's brave population. First, big camps were erected around Kurrum Agency and then, after settling, unscrupulous elements in Afghan refugees attacked Kurrum Agency.

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini took the leading role in defending the area. He founded “Alamdar Foundation" comprising around 1200 area youths and made himself its head. He made it clear to the members of Alamdar Foundation that the future of Para Chinar is in extreme danger because America wanted to disconnect all shia centers with Islamic revolution.

In defending Kurrum Agency, many gave their lives. Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini himself got severely injured when he was in a front line post defending the land. A piece of mortar shell hit his shoulder.

To help martyrs' families, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini founded the Shaheed Foundation and in an address to its members he said:

“It is obligatory for us to remember martyrs, praise their courage and look after their families. Arrangement of proper education should especially be the top priority for the orphans of martyrs".

The valiant character of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini made him natural leader for the people of Kurrum Agency. When people started to listen to Shaheed Quaid, he stepped further into eradicating false and unislamic cultural practices in the area. Upon witnessing Shaheed Quaid’s love and affection to the area, more and more people started to gather around Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini and his efforts resulted in a marked decline in unislamic cultural activities in the area.

First direct clash with Government:

Besides the political agent who was the unrestrained king of the area appointed by the government, a committee of 40 Maliks was also constituted by the government to look after the affairs of the area but it was entirely ineffective. Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini raised voice against this injustice. He started his campaign with two points:

Abolition of the "Maliks" assembly.

Getting rid of the monopoly of political agents.

Shaheed Quaid's movement gained popularity as he went village to village to increase public awareness of tyranny. The government and those in power in Kurrum Agency felt threatened so they used all means and measures to stop Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini and his movement. Political agent of Kurrum Agency even tried to bribe Shaheed Quaid by promising money to establish a madressah. After listening to them, Shaheed Quaid started to read Namaz and, after completing it, replied in his peculiar accent, "Get out from here. If you would not be my guest then I would certainly give you the right answer to your ugly act. Insha'allah, people will give you and your pet Maliks the answer".

Finally, because of all of its efforts to suppress the movement, the government had Shaheed Quaid arrested for some days and thus a new chapter opened in Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini life putting him on the political scene of the country.

Interests in welfare projects:

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini gave utmost importance to the welfare of people and instructed members of Alamdaar Foundation to start a campaign against social evils, especially the drug heroine. For this, Shaheed Quaid personally took interest and got a welfare project constructed under his direct supervision. With this project, he arranged proper rehabilitation services for drug addicts in the hospital.

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini possessed the heart full of grief and sense of responsibility for the impoverished. Following the footsteps of his peers Aimmah (AS), in the night Shaheed Quaid took his students with him to distribute floor, rice, oil and money to the needy and impoverished people in their area, directly to their homes. Shaheed Quaid strictly instructed his students not to disclose the anonymity of their good deeds to anybody. As such, it was not revealed until after his death. Undoubtedly, we can say that we have lost the real Follower of Ali living amongst us!

Shi'a political arena in Pakistan:

At a nationwide convention on April 12th, 1978 in Bhakkar, Punjab, Shi'a ulema and responsible parties perceived the need to converge the Shi'a population of Pakistan under one platform. More than a hundred thousand Shi'as from around the country attended the convention. The main agenda of the convention was to evolve a strategy against General Zia ul Haq's biased policy and decisions against the Shi'as of Pakistan. The party Tehreek e Nifaaz e Fiqh e Jafarria was formed in the convention with noisy chants of approval. Mufti Jafar Hussain was selected as their leader. Mufti Jaffer Hussain, albeit his elderly age, worked day and night, and visited every corner around the country to awaken and organize the nation.

But Mufti Jaffer Hussain’s health didn’t allow him to see the fruits of the tree from the seed he planted. He died on 29th August 1983 leaving millions of mourners behind him.

Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini’s appointment as Millat e Jafairria:
The meeting of supreme council of TNFJ was called in Bhakkar, Punjab on February 10th 1984. One member put forward Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini’s name as the new leader. Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini, at first, plainly refused to accept this responsibility citing his pressing commitments in the area that he lives.

The meeting was called off for one hour and Allama Syed Safder Hussain Najafi and some other elderly Ulema took Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini to the adjoining Imambargha and requested of him to accept the responsibility as leader and confirmed their complete support for him. Taking assurances from the Ulemas, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini agreed to take responsibility of leadership.

As Leader: Early days

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini selected Peshawar City as his head office and reconstituted and reorganized the entire setup of TNFJ. He visited every corner of the country and people of every area welcomed their new Quaid with historical fervor and passion.

Shaheed Quaid's first one and half years passed in removing discrepancies in the nation’s beliefs, counteracting the enemy’s scornful propaganda against him, and quelling the fighting within the nation. Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini used to say, “My first one and half years as leader were passed in assuring the nation that I am Shi'a and believes in Azadari".

Appointment as Walie e Faqih representative by Imam Khomeni (RA):

Imam Khomeni (RA) issued a written statement announcing Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini as his representative in Pakistan. One could say that that written statement by Imam Khomeni (RA) gave real strength to Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini's leadership as his popularity among masses increased manifold. After becoming the official representative of Wali e Faqih, Shaheed Quaid again visited the whole country with new vigor and purpose.

Struggle against dictatorship:

It was the prime black era of Gen Zia ul Haq. Public hangings, lashings, political imprisonment, barbaric use of state machinery on every voice that spoke against the dictator, Zia's, rule was the order of the day. In all that Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini’s voice was nothing but thorn in the eyes of Dictator Zia.

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini in his first press conference in Peshawar announced candidly that his first demand was to change the system of the country.

Zia understood the power of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini’s words and was very afraid of him. So his government planned a ferocious campaign against Shi'as. The first step they took was against Azadari e Imam Hussain (AS). In the first year of Shaheed Quaid's leadership, incidents of firing and ransacking on mourning processions and Imambarghas in different cities occurred.

In the second phase Zia's government introduced Draconian and discriminatory laws against Shi'as of Pakistan.

All the government's tactics bore no fruits. Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini emerged from every crisis more forcefully.

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini: Ambassador of Unity
After taking responsibility, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini started his journey with the task of inspiring and achieving unity among all momineen (Ittehad e Bainul Momineen). He had stated that unless and until we (momineen) got united, the government would not pay heed to our demands.

Shaheed Quaid understood fully that the vision of Pakistan, as a true Islamic state could never be fulfilled unless unity among different sects of Muslims was achieved. So with the demand to change the system, he started to strive for unity among Muslims (Ittehad e Bainul Muslimeen).

After two months of being a leader of Millat e Jafarria, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini in Bhakkar said in his public address:

“Shi'as and Sunnis should keep their historic differences in limits because they are not enemies of each other. America, Russia and Israel are their mutual enemies. It is no matter to them if we are Shi'as or Sunnis; they wanted to destroy Islam. So in such circumstances, we should set aside our differences, and we should strive together to counter enemies of Islam".

In April 1984 in D. G. Khan, Punjab Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini said in a press conference:

“Our aim is not to enforce Fiqh e Jafarria in Pakistan. Let it be clear that we want Fiqh e Jafarria for ourselves and for Ahle Sunnat brothers we want their fiqh to be enforced so that both sects could live freely in Pakistan according to their own fiqhs".

Whenever Shaheed Quaid visited anywhere in Pakistan, he used to meet with the area's Ahle Sunnat Ulema. Due to his character and thoughts, numerous Ahle Sunnat Ulemas across Pakistan joined hands in unity with him. It can be said that anti-American and anti-imperialism sentiments inspired unity amongst Muslims in Pakistan under the spiritual leadership of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini. Consequently, the current imperialists of the time, perceived another Islamic revolution in the offing in Pakistan, and worked to silence the voice of unity, justice and freedom.

Love with Imam Khomeni (RA)

It was mere coincidence that Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini had the privilege of interaction with Imam Khomeni (RA) as a student in Najaf. From there the spiritual father/son relationship started. Shaheed Quaid was under taqleed of Imam Khomeni (RA) while he was a student. Shaheed Quaid read every book of Imam Khomeni (RA) several times and gained mastery in Imam Khomeni's (RA) thinking and thought process. Shaheed Quaid requested the top translators and writers of Pakistan to translate Imam Khomeni's (RA) books and write books on the life of Imam Khomeni (RA).

As a leader, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini visited country wide and introduced Imam Khomeni's (RA) thoughts to the masses. Shaheed Quaid used to say:
"Today, the only solution to problems faced by the Islamic world is to follow the way of Imam Khomeni (RA)".

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini continually fulfilled the thoughts and orders of Imam Khomeni (RA). Whether it was the Annual Quds Rally or women’s day program, unity week or Hajj seminar, or any other unity gatherings, Shaheed Quaid always voiced against America and thus obeying Imam Khomeni (RA) teachings. Shaheed Quaid was the real example of Shaheed Baqer as-Sadr saying that one should absorb with Imam Khomeni’s (RA) self, in the same way that one got absorbed with Islam.

One respected personality elaborated that in 1987 he went with Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini to attend an international conference in Iran. A delegation of important personalities went to meet with Imam Khomeni (RA) in Jamaran. Everybody there was sitting in the usual style but Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini was doing something peculiar. He put up his face, glanced at Imam Khomeni (RA), then looked down again with tears rolling down. When somebody asked him about his condition, he replied that if the son of Imam (AJ), (Imam Khomeini (RA)) had so much charisma and grace in his personality, then only Allah (SWT) knows how much charisma and grace would Imam e Zamana (AJ) possess.

On 13th Jan, 1986, when the President of Iran, Ayatollah Syed Ali Khamenei visited Pakistan, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini welcomed him with his thousands of supporters, not as President of Iran, but as the representative of Imam Khomeni (RA).

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini prayed for his own martyrdom and for Imam Khomeni's (RA) long life in Namaz e Shab.

Behaivour with Servants:

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini was the real example of Aimmah (AS) teachings. On one hand, if he was at the peak of worshipping Allah (swt), then on other hand, he would well be on the height of behavior. Due to his exemplary behavior he had won millions of hearts. History recorded tragic scenes of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini's funeral. His admirers ripped their shirts, hit their heads with stones, hundreds fainted and some even tried to commit suicide thinking that now life is fruitless after him! His personal guard fired at himself in deep grief. The person who shot and killed Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini, said after his arrest that if he had seen his lighted face before firing at him, he might not have done so! They had killed the prophet of our time through him.

His servants and colleagues unfolded numerous stories of his great character in which one has a great many lessons to learn.

His guard, Abdullah, told us that once he had very important work with a high profile personality in Peshawar. He requested of Shaheed Quaid to write a recommendation letter for him. Shaheed Quaid wrote the letter and Abdullah took that letter to the concerned person and gave it to him after introducing himself to him. After reading the letter, that important personality of Peshawar gave Abdullah a very warm welcome as he told Abdullah that Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini has written about you as his brother! It was Shaheed Quaid’s continued practice that whenever he introduced his servants to guests, he always said that they are my brothers.

One day while driving, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini's car tire punctured. So Shaheed Quaid and his driver got out from the car. The driver advised Shaheed Quaid to take some rest under tree but Shaheed Quaid refused and went back to the car, got the spare tire out and helped his driver as much as he could. His driver told us that whenever Shaheed Quaid brought fruits, he placed cut pieces of fruit into the driver’s mouth for him and told him that it was his duty to do so because the driver was busy driving!

According to his servants, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini participated actively in kitchen and office work. Cleaning the utensils, office and other uncompleted work, which was left by servants. He used to complete them the tasks in night when everyone else was sleeping.

One day Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini wished to clean the library of his office. After sometime, he requested of his office colleague that both brothers would do the cleaning together. They started cleaning the books and in doing so dust got stuck all over Shaheed Quaid!

There are many, many such stories in the hearts of those who saw and lived close to this angelic son of Imam AS. For sure millions of hearts will remain sad as long as they live, as they wouldn’t see him anymore

Financial condition:

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini belonged to a respected middle class family. As a student, Shaheed Quaid lived very modestly and as a teacher in Para Chinar his modesty increased as he became more public.

After becoming Quaid, his responsibilities increased immensely. In the early days, his living quarters in Peshawar consisted of three rooms: one office, one room for guests and one for his family; he managed the office with only two volunteer workers.

When Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini’s friend advised him to move to some other house, as this little room is not sufficient for children’s upbringing, Shaheed Quaid replied that he didn’t have money to pay rent for a bigger house. From Madressah his salary continued to come and he had strictly instructed his wife to manage household expenses in this. Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini never used anything from the office for personal means and considered every thing as property of the Imam (AJ). He used to advise his colleagues to do justice while using office material and money.

After one year of assuming office as Quaid, momineen from Dubai sent a car for him for his office use. He strictly instructed his office staff to only use this car for office purposes only.

Once his very close relative took the car for some personal use. When Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini heard that, his face changed but kept quite until his relative returned. When he came back Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini said:

"My brother, you also wanted me to push to the flames of hell!".

Nobody dared to touch the car again for personal use.

Shaheed Quaid's relatives from Para Chinar once came to visit to meet his family. The relatives had presumed that their financial position might have improved but were surprised to see the same living conditions. One of the relatives asked Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini’s wife about that and she told them that people have sent expensive carpets, utensils, cloths and different items as gifts but Allama Saheb, after receiving these gifts, gave it to the dowries of poor girls.

After Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini's martyrdom, his family went to Iran for some days and gave the keys of their house to a family friend instructing them that care should be taken to protect the household items. After some days they decided to take the valuable and expensive items of Shaheed Quaid's home to their own home for safekeeping, but were astonished and stunned to see following household items:

Some mats, two thermoses, some cups of different colors, four glasses, one almirah, one very old carpet piece, one chair, one table, one radio, one brief case, three big pots, four steel plates, some spoons, four shalwar kameez suits of Shaheed Quaid, four slippers, two suitcases (small), one suitcase (big) and four simple beddings. The friends wept after witnessing the poverty in the home of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini while the adjacent office had air conditioner, refrigerator and carpets but not his home.

Last days of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini life:

The ever-increasing popularity of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini as true leader and ambassador of unity in Pakistan was taken as a threat to imperialist designs and goals. The famous Qur'an o Sunnat conferences, (especially the one on 6th July 1987 in Lahore, in which more than a million admirers of Qur'an o Sunnat from every sect participated), shook every house of rulers in Pakistan and abroad. It was later confirmed by a senior journalist that all Urdu and English newspapers of 7th July were taken by the US embassy in Islamabad and many cassettes of the 6th July program were sent to the USA.

11 months after 6th July 1987, Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini was martyred. Though it is still not revealed who really was behind the conspiracy and how many took part in it, it is confirmed that the executioner of the conspiracy was Captain Majid Jilani who was deputed by the army in the protection team of President Gen Zia ul Haq.

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini toured Karachi and his ancestral city Para Chinar in the last month of his life. When he was in Karachi he was warned of possible attack on his life but he didn't give much ear to it!

Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini went to Para Chinar after coming from Karachi and in same days his elder sister saw a nightmare just before dawn in which two attackers cut off her right shoulder. After waking, she immediately sent a message to her brother through her husband not to leave for Peshawar. When her husband met Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini, he delivered her message and elaborated her nightmare. After listening to the nightmare, Shaheed Quaid kept quite for sometime thinking and then said “Alhamdolillah" and requested his brother in law not to tell this nightmare to his mother and also told his brother in law that “he will now go to Peshawar at all cost".

It was the morning of 14th August, after meeting with his students and colleagues in Madressah, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini left Para Chinar. He took his two sons Muhammed and Ali with him. When Shaheed Quaid was on his way to Peshawar, Adhaan for Zuhr prayers was heard. According to Shaheed Quaid's driver Abbas, it was usual for Allama as wherever he heard Adhaan, he stopped the car and prayed but that day he didn't stop the car at any nearby mosque but he stopped me outside of Para Chinar at a petrol pump asking him to fill petrol while he went to pray Namaz at a nearby clean place. Albeit a very dangerous area and circumstances, Allama prayed for a long time there. That praying place of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini is now a beautiful mosque as the petrol pump owner was continuously instructed through nightmares to build a mosque there!

After reaching Peshawar, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini went directly to Madressah. He prayed Maghrabain with his students. It was Friday night and usually Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini recited Dua e Kumail with his students, but on that very night Shaheed Quaid did not and went to his room where he had very long discussions with his colleague Allama Muhammad Jawwad Hadi. When Allama Jawwad went to sleep, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini inquired about his office secretary Mohabbat Ali who was not in Madressah at that time. Shaheed Quaid asked to call him. His guard Zamin Ali asked Shaheed Quaid whether he should iron his clothing, as they had to leave for Lahore the next day to attend a seminar but Shaheed Quaid told him to leave his clothing. Shaheed Quaid asked for all of his mail and proceeded to answer all his mail one by one which were from all over Pakistan. When Mohabbat Ali came, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini inquired about every account of Madressah with him and checked personally every account and details. He also gave instructions regarding Khums money in his custody. About Rs 0.5 million were donated by Dubai Momineen in relief of the Gilgit tragedy, that money was also in his custody. He ordered Zamin Ali to deliver that money to Maulana Sheikh Ali Madad, who was in charge of Northern areas affairs then, immediately though it was 2:00 AM in night.

After giving all money and checking all accounts, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini went to his room. According to his guard Zamin Ali, when he went near Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini’s room in night, he heard Shaheed Quaid’s screaming voice reciting Dua e Kumail. Zamin Ali further said that Shaheed came out from his room once, stood calmly in the courtyard, looked up and down Madressah from there for some time then returned to his room. Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini spent all night in praying to Almighty Allah (swt).

The sun of 15th August 1988 was about to rise. Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini went to Madressah mosque to pray Fajr Namaz. After offering prayers Shaheed Quaid went upstairs of the Madressah. His guard Zamin Ali went somewhere else. On the gate Abdullah also came in to pray, leaving gate open. In the meantime two gunmen came in to the Madressah. They directly came to Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini's room but since he was on the upper floor of the Madressah they saw him coming downstairs, one of the assailants fired immediately but he only fired one bullet which pierced the heart of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini. After his arrest, the one who fired revealed that he wanted to fire more bullets but his right hand paralyzed instantaneously as he couldn't move his fingers and his right hand is still paralyzed. Both of the attackers managed to run away but later they were arrested. Maulana Jawwad Hadi was the first to see Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini lying in his own blood. They took Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini to a nearby hospital but he breathed his last in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.

At the age of 42, Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini left us to meet his absolute creator, to be in the company of his peers, Muhammed Wa Aale Muhammed (Peace be upon them). Five children of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini and a nation were orphaned.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Message of Imam Khomeni on the martyrdom of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini

Message of Imam Khomeni on the martyrdom of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini

"And reckon not those who are killed in Allah's way as dead; nay, they are alive (and) are provided sustenance from their Lord"
Quran 3:169

Shaheed Arif Hussain Al-Hussaini: The Ambassador of Light

Hujjatul Islam Syed Arif ul Hussain Al Hussaini (RA): The loyalist and lover of Islam and its revolution; the defender of the oppressed and deprived; son of Syedul Shohada Aba Abdillah Al Hussain (AS).

For those Mujahideen who understand the core problems of an Islamic state, and who promised to give their blood with other oppressed and impoverished people, they should understand that this is just the beginning of the game because it requires a long struggle to fight against tyrants.

We should think deeply by putting the example of Shaheed Syed Arif in front of us. There is no greater achievement for a momin than to leave his abode with wounds that are medals on his chest, and his face covered in blood, in the struggle for justice, and in the highest stage of Taqwa-e-Ilahee. He inspired thousands of other thirsty people to drink this beverage of light.

Pakistan’s blessed people are from a pro-revolution nation. They aspire to live according to Islamic rulings, with which we have an ancient, deep, and faithful relationship. It is imperative for them to keep Shaheed Syed Arif’s thoughts alive and to pass his message on.

Nonetheless, the road to fight against American Islam is very difficult and puzzling. Therefore it is necessary that all possible factors should be made clear for the impoverished Muslim masses. If this work would have been done through Islamic schools then there is high possibility that he [Arif Hussain, Al Hussaini] would be living amongst us today.

So now it’s necessary for us to fight against the western and eastern tyrants with all courage and understanding.

I have lost my dear son.

Shaheed Foundation Pakistan

Some beliefs of the Sipah e Sahaba and Lashkar e Jhangavi

Sipah e Sahaba or Sipah e Yazeed?

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